A Photography Assignment at PIWF Institute, Patna | photography classes


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the vibrant city of Patna, our lenses were ready to capture the magic unfolding at the prestigious PIWF Institute. Celebrating the essence of love and togetherness, this assignment marked a special milestone – the first marriage anniversary of a beautiful couple who chose the Institute’s picturesque grounds for their photo session.

Capturing Love in Every Frame:


Play of Light and Shadow:


Embracing Candid Moments:


The Institute’s Timeless Charm:

The PIWF Institute, with its timeless charm, became an integral part of the narrative. From the grandeur of the main building to the quaint corners that whispered stories of the past, every element contributed to the visual symphony of the photoshoot.



Hashtags: #PIWFInstitute #LoveInPatna #PhotographyMagic



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